WS-PPG Win ‘PPG of the Year’ 2016

WS-PPG group photo

Volunteers from Whitestone Surgery are celebrating after winning a prestigious national prize. Whitestone Surgery’s Patient Participation Group (WS-PPG) were handed the Corkill Award at the annual conference of the National Association of Patient Participation (N.A.P.P), in honour of its ongoing outstanding work within the local community.

Open to practices from the across the UK, the Corkill Award promotes the importance of patient participation within the field of primary care. Recipients of the award receive a £500 cash prize and a framed plaque for display within the winning surgery.

The judging panel, which included N.A.P.Ps chairman, chief executive and a member of the trustee board, were impressed with Whitestone Surgery’s ‘dynamic and inclusive’ practices. The Nuneaton surgery won particular praise for a series of initiatives to encourage involvement from all sections of the local community within the care-cycle.

These include a highly-successful six-week IT access course, promoting the importance of computer literacy, and the Carers’ Café, which provides support and advice for carers of all ages in the Whitestone area.

Diane Kent, chairperson for the Whitestone Surgery PPG, said:

WS-PPG accept N.A.P.P Corkill award PPG of the year 2016
Di Kent and Hay Sharma accept N.A.P.P Corkill Award for PPG of the Year 2016

“To be recognised by N.A.P.P at a nationwide level is a fantastic testament to the continued hard work and dedication of the Whitestone PPG. The Corkill Award is something all patient participation groups aspire to, so it’s a real honour to receive it. We’re already seeing some fantastic results with our initiatives, and are looking forward to rolling them out further. The surgery has come a long way since the patient participation group was initially formed in 2014 and we continue to strive to be a beacon of best practice for similar organisations going forwards.”

Di Kent speaks at NAPP conference
Di Kent speaks at N.A.P.P conference

To find out more about the Whitestone Surgery PPG – and how you can get involved click here.

To watch the video of Di Kent PPG Chair receiving the N.A.P.P Corkill Award please, click here.

To read about the award in the N.A.P.P newsletter click here.

WS-PPG at the N.A.P.P conference
Di Kent (Chair), Hay Sharma (Deputy Chair) and Dr Patricia Wilkie Chair & Hon President of NAPP at the WS-PPG Stand

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