stoptober banner 2015

Why quit? Did you know that if you stop smoking for 28 days you’re five times more likely to stop for good?

Our stop smoking service has a 72% quit rate at 4 weeks. Not only is smoking harmful to your long term help, but also a substantial financial burden. We can help you save on average £2,686 per year!

The NHS is promoting a month of helping people to quit for good.

Click here to download a pack to help you quit smoking and book your appointment today by contacting reception on 02476 641911.

Nicola Bennett successfully quits
For everyone that takes part in our Stoptober challenge we will enter all successful validated quitters into a raffle to win a gift voucher worth £30.00.

To assist with your quit attempt why not take advantage of Hypnotherapy based at Whitestone Surgery. For more information about this service please visit

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